The direct number for the Village of Linndale police department is (216) 251-1234. The police department is located at 4016 West 119th Street, Linndale, Ohio and the 24 hour police entrance is located off of Zelis Avenue.
Timothy W. Franczak was appointed to Chief of Police for the Village of Linndale in June of 2014 . Chief Franczak is a 26-year veteran of the Village of Linndale Police Department.
Prior to his appointment to Chief of Police, Chief Franczak served the Village of Linndale Police Department as a Patrolman, Field Training Officer, Sergeant, Investigator, and as a member of the U.S. Marshal’s Violent Fugitive Task Force.
Chief Franczak has received extensive training through the Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy and holds instructor certifications in numerous law enforcement subjects. He is a member of the following organizations: Fraternal Order of Police, International Associations of Chiefs of Police, Cuyahoga County Chiefs of Police, Polish American Police Officers Association and the Marine Corps League Cleveland Police Detachment.
Chief Franczak is an Honorable Discharged United States Marine and a veteran of the Persian Gulf Conflict. He is the proud father of three grown children and a lifetime resident of Cuyahoga County.